Terri’s Little Haven

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FitnessHealth & Wellness

Why You Find Running A Horrible Form Of Exercise

Running is one of the most traditionally accessible forms of exercise in the world, seeing as all you have to do is stand up and start running! It gets your heart going, it gets a sweat on, and it can help you to keep your leg muscles strong and supple as you get older. With such benefits, what could be better than going for a jog every now and then? 

However, for some people, running is a horrible form of exercise and nothing to look forward to! It doesn’t feel good, it leaves you a long way from home, and you get easily puffed out of breath. But what’s really going on here? Why do you hate running so much? Let’s go through some of the possible reasons below. 

You’re Not Giving Yourself Mental Stimulation

Mental stimulation is key to enjoying yourself when you’re out running. It helps your mind to stay on track, and ensures you feel motivated the whole way round the route. It’s why so many people go running with their headphones on – you can play music, a podcast, or an audiobook as you go. 

You should also think about running in places that provide a nice view. If you live near the coast, run along the beach. If you live near a national park, head round the woods. Give yourself something else to do while you’re running and you might find it a lot easier to get round in one piece!

The Shoes are Wrong

What shoes are you wearing to go running? They might not be right for you, and could be making it a lot harder to get going without feeling like your toes are being pinched or your ankles are about to crack in two. 

The best running shoes help you to feel supported, give you a cushioned sole to stand on, and make it much easier to be on your feet for more than an hour at a time. You won’t get achy anywhere near as quick, and you won’t need to bandage your arches when you come home again! 

There Genuinely is a Health Issue

Sometimes running is ten times more painful than it really should be because there genuinely is a health issue going on. If you notice that whenever you run that your feet hurt or your legs cramp or you run out of breath really quickly, head to a doctor. Even a case of athlete’s foot can go undetectable for a little while, but it can still cause problems whenever your feet hit the pavement! 

You may even need to see a specialist, such as a podiatrist, to make sure you get to the heart of the problem. If you still get the same issues when you go running after seeing a doctor, get that second opinion. 

Running doesn’t have to be horrible. Sometimes you just need better shoes or something to keep you going! But if you’re in pain, see a doctor first.