Terris Little Haven

I’ve traded scrubs for relaxation as a retired nurse, soaking up the Southern charm in Georgia and living my ultimate life! With my furry friends by my side, I’m not just a tiny house dweller – I’m a tiny house enthusiast, blogging my heart out along the way!

Health & Wellness

Preparing For Surgery

Are you having surgery planned? Surgery, whether cosmetic or medical, can be a daunting experience. This is why you want to discuss everything ahead with a specialist who can guide you and ease your fears. 

Did you know that for a lot of people, not preparing for surgery can also affect the recovery process? Essentially, no matter how small, every surgery requires some level of recovery. While, there is no denying that how much recovery time and effort you will need will depend on the complexity of the surgery and your general health, the better you understand that recovery is indispensable, the sooner you can make it a priority on your preparation plan. 

So, if you have surgery coming at some point in the future, this brief preparatory guide is for you!

Embrace physical activities ahead of surgery

What does it mean to be physically active before surgery? First of all, let’s clarify the statement. Nobody, we repeat, nobody expects you to run a marathon just hours before undergoing planned surgery. This is not what it means. It is about regular physical activities as part of an active lifestyle. It doesn’t have to be anything strenuous, such as extreme sports. You can take on swimming, for example, which is gentle on the joints and extremely beneficial for your lungs and heart. 

Why is it important to work on your overall cardiovascular health and lung function ahead of surgery? There is no miracle. The aftermath and recovery of surgery would be a lot lighter if you are healthy. As explained here, your heart and lungs will need to work harder after an operation, so exercising will help them get stronger. 

Choose the right anesthesia

Did you know that you may have a choice of different anesthesia types? This may not be relevant to all surgery types, as some complex operations will only be feasible under total anesthesia. However, when you are booked in for less difficult or less involved surgery, you may be presented with different options. This may be the case for anesthesia for breast augmentation, including local, general, IV sedation, and combination anesthesia. 

It may be a good idea to discuss your needs and expectations with your surgeon. It is also important to let them know how anxious you may be ahead of surgery, as this may exclude some anesthesia options already. 

Understanding post-surgery guidelines

You will receive specific guidelines that are crucial for your recovery after surgery. You can also consider asking the surgeon ahead of time, especially if there are specific elements that need to be prepared in advance, such as being on a special diet in the days following the surgery. 

This can be the case for wisdom tooth removal, for example. Swelling and pain may make it tough to chew hard food, so you may be advised to stock up on baby puree and soft foods, for example. Or there may be food or drink exclusion during your recovery period. Regardless of what it is, you will need to know ahead to stock your pantry accordingly. 

Another example would be regarding strenuous activities, such as lifting, for example. After breast augmentation surgery, it is advised to stay away from heavy lifting until the area is fully healed. 

In other words, preparing for surgery does involve informing yourself after many essential procedures, from how to help your body be strong to how to select the right anesthesia method. There is more to surgery success than meets the eye, and your preparation is a crucial factor in it! 

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