Big Smiles from Little Fixes that Make Life Easier
Enjoying the small wins will make you happy, so take them where you can. There are some little fixes that make life easier, and here are just five you can do immediately for a little booster.
Plan Your Necessary Appointments
This takes some time but is well worth it. Planning appointments and reminding yourself of them takes a lot of stress from the situation. What’s more stressful is taking five minutes to create a schedule or having your day ruined because you missed something. Some of which may even issue a fine! From dental and doctor appointments to car oil change services, you can avoid a day or week of misery by simply planning ahead and setting visual and digital reminders.
Exercise on a Monday Night
Most of us could probably do with more exercise. But do you have the time? Well, yeah, we can all squeeze in 30 minutes! It all comes down to whether we really want to or not if we’re honest about it. So when is the best time to exercise? Monday night is one of those times when nothing exciting is happening. You’ve done your first day of the week at work, and you have four more days left! Monday night exercise gives you a dopamine rush and sets you up to nail Tuesday!
Make Life Easier with Shopping Hacks
Most of us love shopping, but not for groceries for some reason! On average, we spend about 130 hours shopping for groceries. It can feel like wasted time even though we need to. But there are some small hacks you can try to save time and hopefully some money. For example, pick your lanes wisely. More often than not, it is quicker to queue behind someone with a full cart instead of multiple people with baskets because of the greeting and packing they need to do.
Do Something You Enjoy for at Least 10 Minutes
Work, life, the kids! There are things that can feel like they are dragging us down, and there’s nothing bad about needing some fun. Even if it is for 10 minutes, do something you enjoy at least once per day. On one of those days, 10 minutes might be all you get to yourself! So, use your time well. If you love reading, break out the Kindle. Enjoy video games? Get a fix from your phone. Whatever it is, just ensure your spare time is spent doing something that you love!
Always stay Polite when Someone is Rude
This is one of the greatest joys in life! There comes a time when someone will be rude to you, and more often than not, it is for no reason. Most of the time, people who are rude for no reason need to assure themselves of control and some strange power dynamic. But when someone doesn’t really have power to begin with, you can take it very easily. Staying polite and even agreeing with rude people completely disarms them and is guaranteed to make you smile!
Keeping up with appointments removes a lot of unnecessary stress and makes life easier. There are also little shopping tricks you can try. And stay polite to disarm unnecessarily rude people.