Terris Little Haven

I’ve traded scrubs for relaxation as a retired nurse, soaking up the Southern charm in Georgia and living my ultimate life! With my furry friends by my side, I’m not just a tiny house dweller – I’m a tiny house enthusiast, blogging my heart out along the way!


4 People You Need To Boost Home’s Curb Appeal

Whether you’re looking to sell or simply want a prettier home, it’s all about the exterior. Interior designers often focus on the inside, hence the name, yet the outside has as big an impact. Let’s not forget it’s the part of the house which is present for the first impression of passers-by. Considering a negative curb appeal can cost you money or your ego, it’s vital that the exterior shines as bright as the interior. To do that, you’re going to need four people who are essential to the process. After you find them below, you can locate them offline too!


Do you why they call them realtors? It’s because they keep it one-hundred percent real. Yep, they are shameless with their criticism and will break down the flaws in front of your very eyes. Aside from being rude, it’s pretty impressive to hear someone talk with candor. Also, it’s crucial information. As they are experts with years of experience, they know what works and what tanks. So, if they say mow the lawn and maintain the flower garden, it’s worth following their advice. A tip you’re bound to hear is to add a lick of paint and fix anything that is broken.

Professional Landscaper

Once the estate agent drops the knowledge bomb, you’ll need to act fast. Of course, springing into action makes the average homeowner feel as if they are productive while saving money. In reality, they tend to make the situation worse due to their lack of skill. Some landscaping services can lay turf or add flagging within 24 hours, plus they are affordable. It’s certainly cheaper to hire their services than attempt it and get it wrong. As well as a landscaper, a gardener is another wise choice as they can add color and vibrancy to the foundations. If your home is rendered or painted and needs refreshing, an exterior painter could make a huge amount of difference to the overall look and curb appeal of your home too. 


Picture the scene. You’ve painted the house, pruned the flowers, and cleared all of the clutter. And, just as you think you have done a great job, you look at next door’s property and wince. Unlike you, they don’t seem to care about the state of their exterior. Although they’ll argue it’s their home and they can do as they please, there’s no denying that it harms house prices. Quite simply, buyers are less inclined to buy if they think the neighborhood is a tip. Hopefully, a polite conversation should be enough to get them on board. If not, offer to clear a bit of the trash yourself.


No one will come along and say “Hey, do you need help? I’d love to take responsibility!” Life isn’t that kind, which means there is only one person who can transform a property. Granted, the people above will play a big part, but they won’t help unless asked (or paid). With that in mind, if it means a great deal to you, please don’t talk a good game. Instead, be proactive and put all of the pieces in place to secure a successful result.

With all of the above, there won’t be a property in the ‘hood which looks better than your abode.