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Attorney at Law

5 ways to recover after being in a car accident

Getting in a car accident is very stressful and when you are hurt, it can be very hard to navigate how to get better and back to normal again. If you are not sure where to start, I’m here to help. Here are 5 ways to recover after being in a car accident. I don’t wish a car wreck (and especially an injury) on anyone, but if for some reason, you are in this situation, I hope this helps:

Make sure you get checked out

Getting checked out is obviously the first step. You will more than likely go to the hospital, if you were in a serious car accident, but if it was not serious and you are still experiencing pain, I would recommend getting a referral from your PCP so that you have good documentation of everything. Either way, getting checked out is the best first step that you can take, when you are in a car accident.

Look into PT

If you had a serious injury, your doctor will more than likely recommend PT to you. Make sure you go to your appointments – this is important! In addition, make sure you follow any recommendations or routines that they give you. For example, I’m pretty sure that they will recommend stretching daily. Why? Because it’s so important to exercise and stretch to regain full range of motion, flexibility, balance, and endurance. Regular movement, including stretching, will keep your muscles and joints from getting stiff and weak, which is very important when it comes to reducing pain and inflammation from any potential injury that you experienced. As always, follow your doctor’s recommendations for the amount and types of exercises it’s safe for you to do. Even if you feel like you could do more, pushing yourself too hard before you’re ready may worsen an injury and prolong your recovery. One great way to incorporate movement into your day is to practice gentle stretching routines like yoga or tai chi.

Heal mentally

One aspect of healing that most people do not consider is mental healing. This is a massive part of the equation, when it comes to overall healing from a car accident. After a car accident, a lot of people have had issues with mental health. Depression, anxiety (especially when being in a car), and more. A lot of mental health issues can potential arise, and it’s very important to make sure that we are healing properly after-the-fact. Don’t say “no” to counseling – it can be a huge help, when it comes to great ways to recover after being in a car accident. 

Consider hiring an auto accident lawyer

Every personal injury victim is entitled by law to get compensation for their losses. The losses covered in the case include loss of wages, medical bills, therapy bills, etc.;  go here personalinjuryattorney-fresno.com for more information. Therefore, regardless of your financial condition, you must contact an attorney and charge the responsible party for your losses.

According to Keith D. Leshine Attorney At Law, LLC, “If you are injured in a passenger vehicle accident, you most likely do not have a team of lawyers at your disposal at the time of the crash. Insurance companies do. It is in their best interest, not yours, to offer a quick settlement to close the claim. While this may seem attractive when you start seeing medical bills arrive, do not fall for this tactic. You should speak with an experienced car accident injury lawyer, like Keith Leshine, to determine your best legal options. Your case may be worth tens of thousands of dollars more than the insurance company is offering.” Keith D. Leshine is an Auto Accident Lawyer Duluth GA. He also covers medical malpractice, chiropractic malpractice, birth injuries, school bus accidents, hit and runs, crime victims, and so much more. He has your best interest in mind and goes above and beyond for all of his clients.

5 ways to recover after being in a car accident
Each year, he recovers $130 million+ for his clients, and his goal is to allow his clients to explore the best legal recourse for their personal injury or loss. Keith has over 20 years of experience seeking compensation for clients who have sustained injuries and he has a 5-star rating with 345 reviews on Google, so you know that you are in the best hands when you work with Keith D. Leshine Attorney at Law, LLC.

5 ways to recover after being in a car accident

Get enough sleep

This step is crucial! Sleep, and rest in general, are extremely important when it comes to the recovery process (and overall health and wellness, too). Everyone could benefit from more sleep, but when you are recovering from an injury, you need even more sleep. And unfortunately, most people do not take this seriously!

When you sleep, your body increases blood flow to your muscles, and tissue and muscle repair happen. The levels of stress hormones in your body also significantly drop during sleep, which can hello reduce internal inflammation and stress. As you know, after an accident, it’s important to heal – physically and mentally, and that includes reducing stress. SLowing down and resting is important when it comes to allowing your body to heal. That’s the goal, right? If so, take rest and sleep very seriously and prioritize it! If you are also struggling with a negative mindset or depression after your wreck, sleep can help you feel more energized and happier, too. Know your limits and don’t push yourself too hard or too soon. If you try to “power through” serious car accident injuries, you run the risk of injuring yourself further.  

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