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Financial Planning

Investing In Property Development? Here Are Key Factors To Look At

Commercial real estate is an ever-evolving industry. Speculating and anticipating changes in demand will let you stay ahead as investors. It has been projected that 68% of the world population will be living in urban areas by the year 2050. Hence, investing in property development is the most sensible business decision.

Now that you are ready to invest in property development, here are some key factors to look at in your journey:

1. Research and learn

Understand the real estate market, if required, obtain a formal education about the property, economics, finance, town planning, construction processes, and marketing real estate projects. Research about the property you want to invest in thoroughly and find out about zoning and title conditions, economic and technological challenges towards development.

2. Market conditions and location dynamics

Access to information about average rents, property values, demographics, and suburb reports will clarify current economic and real estate market conditions. This will let you know if it’s the right time to invest and what are the prospects if so. Similarly, finalise a location after surveying the existing markets and future infrastructural development. What is around your developed property will influence rent prices in the future.

3. Right prices and right property

Property development is about capital growth. Choosing the right property means that you have researched and concluded that the property will increase its value in the coming years. Keeping this in mind, it is necessary that you buy in the right price. Acquiring a property at less than its market value can come about with patience and knowledge.

Be aware of real estate marketing companies and insist on an independent valuation.

When buying the right property, you should also focus on your goals and plans for the property. Do you want a property to rent and use as a holiday home, then move into when you retire or want a quieter life? In this case, something like The Lake Life properties might be ideal.

Or perhaps you want to quickly buy and sell properties, in which case you should look for properties in areas where the value is rapidly increasing. It can be beneficial to build up your real estate portfolio over time and create a steady stream of income.

All of this is only possible if you know what kind of properties you’re looking for, as well as an appropriate budget.

4. Budget estimations and cash-flow sources

Evaluate your budget based on realistic goals and invest with some financial sandbank in place. Mortgage repayments, taxes, development costs like planning, construction, marketing, initialising renting leases will be occurring in a parade. You have to make sure that you can manage the cash-flow through loans and capital investment. Financial stress in the initial days of property development often dents morale.

5. Sound financing advice

Structure your mortgages and loans in consultation with a financial adviser. They will advise you on preference over fixed rates or variable rates depending on your situation so that you can maximise your taxation benefits and reduce your accounting costs. Leveraging equity from other properties and negative gearing can also be used to reduce financial stress.

6. Strong team and good network

Property development is more than solo expertise and building a good team is necessary. The team will invest time and effort in a thorough blueprint for your business. Networking skills will bring in advice from professionals across relevant industries and help you to hire the right people. Membership of associations also brings in credibility and support.

Developing property is a combination of designing, planning, acquiring permissions, and finally, sale or lease. Someone with financial management, strategic thinking, negotiation, and presentation skills can bring about profitable navigation—and all of this is present in the Roy Spagnolo bio.

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