Terris Little Haven

I’ve traded scrubs for relaxation as a retired nurse, soaking up the Southern charm in Georgia and living my ultimate life! With my furry friends by my side, I’m not just a tiny house dweller – I’m a tiny house enthusiast, blogging my heart out along the way!

Pest Control

Pest Management Checklist For New Homeowners

The idea of buying a new house and moving into it is exciting for a homeowner. But you have to deal with an endless task list before realizing your dream life in the new home. The tasks never seem to end, from personalizing the decor to buying furniture, setting up your wardrobes, filling up the kitchen cabinets, and more. They continue even after you move in. Pest control is often the last thing on your mind while settling in a new living space. But you understand its significance if you notice signs like gnaw marks, bird droppings, and spider webs around the property.

The last thing you should do is take these signs frivolously because you may end up with a major infestation by overlooking bugs and rodents. It makes sense to have a pest management plan, even before starting a life in a new place. Also, you must invest in regular control measures after doing so. Steering clear of the DIY mindset is crucial as you may save a bit and end up spending more in the long run. Here is an expert-recommended pest management checklist every new homeowner must follow. 

Deep clean your new place

Most new homeowners understand the significance of deep cleaning their new place. If the house had been inhabited before, it would probably still have some unwanted residents. You can find most of them in damp areas like the kitchen, bathroom, and basement. Do not skip this step even if you buy a new property that no one has used before. The best time to invest in a deep cleaning spree is before moving in or setting up your stuff in the property. It is much easier to detect and drive away pests when the rooms are empty. Hire a professional service to get a thorough cleanup for your place, and you can be stress-free. 

Clean the exterior

A deep clean for your living space is only half the work done when it comes to pest control. The exterior also deserves as much attention because debris in your garden or yard serves as hiding places for bugs and rodents. The last thing you want to encounter is an infestation outside that moves in along with you. A complete cleaning job for the garden and yard is a good start. As a part of the project, trim branches and bushes near the property, clean the gutters, and remove leaves around the foundation. A quick sweep of the garage is also important to spot hidden enemies and get rid of them.

Check the landscaping

Besides cleaning the property inside-out, new homeowners must check the landscaping thoroughly. You may even want to update it if buying an old house, and it makes sense to do it before getting in. Removing firewood and mulch from your foundation is the first thing you must do. Termites love wood, while ants and cockroaches find warm shelter underneath it. Keeping wood far away from your foundation and wall can save you from much trouble in the long run.

Look for unexpected pests

As a new homeowner, you will probably watch out for common bugs and rodents like cockroaches, ants, spiders, termites, rats, and mice. But there could be some unexpected ones lurking in unusual spaces. For example, your attic or garden may be infested by birds, and they can make life tough once you start living in the place. The best option is to call an exterminator specializing in bird pest control along with dealing with common ones. Getting a clean slate is crucial, so make sure you cover all fronts before moving in. Getting every nook and corner inspected by professionals is your best bet.

Remove standing water

Standing water is a major culprit as it serves as a breeding ground for flies and mosquitoes. Even larger pests are likely to thrive in homes where water is easily available to them. If you notice puddles outside or inside the property, address them at the earliest. Check outdoor gutters, faucets, birdbaths, and buckets. Assess leaky and damp areas in the kitchen and bathrooms as well. Make sure you correct these problems before getting your stuff to the new house. 

Seal cracks and openings

New homeowners should also do their bit to inspect and repair the property to keep pests at bay. Even new homes require a small amount of maintenance, so make sure you do not overlook cracks and openings. Check your foundation and the openings around pipes, siding joints, windows, and doors. If you can see space and cracks for insects and rodents to crawl through, get them sealed right away. The benefits of covering cracks and openings extend beyond keeping pests out. Your living space becomes energy-efficient as heat does not escape in winter or enter in summer. You also end up saving a fortune on electricity bills over time. 

Go the extra mile with cleanliness and hygiene

Pest control is not a one-time job as these unwanted guests can come back if you are not careful enough. Going the extra mile with cleanliness and hygiene can keep your new home pest-free. Follow best practices to ensure that bugs and rodents do not get a chance to enter and settle in. Keep the kitchen clean and avoid leaving leftovers outside overnight. Store food products in airtight containers and avoid leaving dirty dishes out overnight. Empty your trash often and invest in covered bins to keep pests at bay. Maintain the moisture and humidity levels in bathrooms and the basement. Also, sweep and vacuum your place regularly.

Collaborating with seasoned pest control professionals is crucial to keep your new home pest-free now and for the years to come. The last thing you should do is take a DIY approach to pest control. Schedule regular visits by professionals throughout the year. Also, keep an eye on warning signs and call experts for emergency visits if you notice anything amiss. A small problem can flare up into a major infestation before you know, so make sure you act sooner rather than later.

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