Terris Little Haven

I’ve traded scrubs for relaxation as a retired nurse, soaking up the Southern charm in Georgia and living my ultimate life! With my furry friends by my side, I’m not just a tiny house dweller – I’m a tiny house enthusiast, blogging my heart out along the way!

Home Improvement

3 Tips For Dealing With The Rules and Regulations Of Renovations

Although you may own your own home, it’s not always completely up to you how you handle any renovations that you’d like to make. Especially if you live in a housing development project or an HOA, you may need to jump through quite a few hoops to get your desired renovations taken care of. But if you understand this process beforehand, it can make things a lot easier on you.

To help you in doing this, here are three tips for dealing with the rules and regulations of renovations. 

Use A Contractor

While you might think that taking on your home renovations on your own will save you money, in many instances, it doesn’t make sense for the financial aspect to be your main concern, especially with large projects that would require you to have permits or other permissions.

According to Lee Wallender, a contributor to Fix.com, when you use a contractor for any home renovation project, it’s the contractor that will pull any necessary permits for you. While you will still have to pay for them as part of your project, the contractor will take care of all the legwork of getting the permit. And since they have a lot of experience doing this for other projects, they’ll often have a much easier time with it than you would have if you tried to tackle this on your own. 

Know What Needs Approval

If you’re living in a home where you have to follow certain rules or regulations as part of living in that area or being a member of an association, there are probably certain types of home improvement projects or renovations that you’ll need approval for before you get started. It’s easy to learn how to build your renovation skills.  Learn more at https://renovationdojo.com/.

In most instances, Liz Brumer, a contributor to Fool.com, shares that you’ll need to get approval for any exterior changes that you want to make to your home. Additionally, if you’re changing anything with the structure of your home, you’ll likely need approval for this as well. And for big projects like electrical work or installing new flooring, there’s a good chance you’ll need to get approval for this as well. 

Increase Your Chances Of Getting Approval

Knowing that you need approval before you take on a renovation project is only half the battle. You actually need to secure this approval prior to getting any work done.

To increase your chances of getting your projects approved, HomeAdvisor.com recommends that you submit the necessary forms well in advance to when you’re wanting to get your project started, that you work with a licensed contractor that may have already been approved for previous projects, and that you have detailed plans drawn up for what you’re wanting to do and how you anticipate the project unfolding. 

If you want to do renovations but will need approval from a board or association before you can get started, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you figure this out. 

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