Terris Little Haven

I’ve traded scrubs for relaxation as a retired nurse, soaking up the Southern charm in Georgia and living my ultimate life! With my furry friends by my side, I’m not just a tiny house dweller – I’m a tiny house enthusiast, blogging my heart out along the way!

Home Improvement

Five Home Improvement and Re-modelling Ideas that Increase Home Value

There are several reasons why you may decide to renovate or remodel your house. Perhaps you are looking to improve its general aesthetics, making it a more comfortable place to live in. Or maybe you want to add its Real Estate Market Value and ultimately sell it. Whatever the reason, you should invest in ideas that actually increase your home value and avoid the ones that do not.

To help you make the best decision, here is a list of five home improvement and remodeling ideas that you should look into:

1. Remodeling the Kitchen

Mostly considered as the heart of a home, the kitchen should be given high priority during a home remodeling project. Some of the ways you can renovate your kitchen to make it more appealing and marketable include:

    • Refinishing or replacing the kitchen cabinets.
    • Changing the type of flooring and countertops.
    • Upgrading old kitchen appliances to energy-sufficient models.
    • Replacing the Kitchen Faucet.
    • Adding more windows to bring in more natural light.

You should, however, take care not to go overboard when remodeling a kitchen, especially if you are looking to sell your house. An overdone kitchen remodel will only scare away potential buyers instead of luring them in. For instance, while installing granite countertops and marble flooring will make your kitchen appear fancier and more elegant, some buyers will view it as out of their price range and decide not to buy the house.

2. Re-inventing a Room

Every homeowner has that one room that they have no particular use of. It might be a spare guest bedroom, the attic, the basement, or even the garage. Re-inventing this room and making it into something more useful like a home office, a game room, or an extra bathroom can add great value to your house.

But before you convert the attic to a home gym or the garage into an extra bedroom, you should first consider the position of these rooms and their versatility. For instance, the attic works best as a spare bedroom, a game room, or craft room. Converting it to, let us say, an extra bathroom or a home gym might be a bad idea considering it is located on top of the house and has limited ventilation.

Also, if you are looking to sell your house, you should keep your potential buyers in mind when renovating extra rooms. While some young people might find the idea of a game room thrilling, a middle-aged couple might find it a waste of space and decide against buying your house.

3. Adding a Deck

More and more people are preferring additional outdoor living spaces in their homes. They not only make a house appear more attractive but, they also create more space for house guests. Adding a deck in your backyard might just be the thing missing from it.

When installing a deck, install one that has unique, eye-catching features like an outdoor fire pit or high-quality hardwood benches. These features will make your house appear even more desirable to family, friends, and potential buyers.

4. Increasing Flow of Natural Light

As a homeowner, increasing the flow of natural light into your house should be a top priority when remodeling. Natural light saves you from spending too much on artificial light energy, it makes your home appear brighter and more welcoming and it ultimately adds great real estate value to your house. 

To increase the flow of natural light, you should consider installing skylights in your ceiling,
adding more energy-efficient windows, and painting your interior walls and ceiling with brighter colors.

5. Increasing Space

Just like a steady flow of natural light, a spacious house makes it appear brighter and more appealing. To add more space to your house, you should tear up some of the walls to create an open floor plan. You can also install vaulted ceilings and put up more mirrors to create an illusion of more space.

Final Word

There are still many other ideas on how you can improve or remodel your house to increase its value. The trick is to look for projects that require less effort and cost less but still make your house more appealing and more marketable.

You should also conduct a house valuation before and after remodeling, especially if you want to sell your house. A house valuation will determine how much your house is worth in the Real Estate Market and help you understand intricate details about your property.

Image: https://pixabay.com/photos/home-for-sale-buy-sell-mortgage-1682307/