5 Clever Ways Your School Can Commemorate Parent’s Day This July
*image credit https://samedaypapers.com/
Parent’s Day is on the 4th Sunday of July each year, so if you’re reading this as a school administrator or a member of the faculty, you should already be cooking up ideas on how to commemorate this noteworthy event. After all, showing appreciation to your students’ parents not only serves to bolster good and positive relations with them, it also helps to encourage them to play a bigger role in the holistic education of their children.
That being said, it can be tough coming up with clever ways to celebrate Parent’s Day, as no doubt you’ve been busy making preparations for other significant events that fall on July, such as Independence Day. As such, to help you get started, we present you these awesome ideas for commemorating this special day this month.
Give away fun and exciting themed freebies
Everyone likes giveaways, so you can never really go wrong with handing out freebies emblazoned with messages of love and support for parents. This can be anything from shirts and lanyards to enamel pins, wristbands, and baseball caps. Of course, while this may sound like a difficult and monumental task, it really isn’t. There are many businesses online that are more than willing to let you customize and order promotional lanyards in bulk, while charging very affordable prices. The same goes for the other types of giveaways. However, the quality of products may vary from supplier to supplier, so make sure you check out a lot of vendors before going with a particular dealer.
Have your students perform their talents for their parents
A great way of showing appreciation for parents is to hold a talent show with your students as the performers. This way, not only do you give your students a chance to show off their skills and showmanship, you also give them the opportunity to perform for the people who love them the most. This can be an incredible morale booster for both parties, and it can even help strengthen familial bonds. Another idea is to do the show competition-style, but with the parents involved in the performance as well. This way, parents and students are given a chance to work together in a fashion that is both fun and competitive.
Hold a pot luck cook-off
A pot luck may seem like a boring idea when it comes to commemorating Parent’s Day, but it becomes an exciting and clever one with a twist: have it so that each dish brought by the parents will be considered an entry to a cook-off competition. You can announce the existence of the cook-off either at the start of the pot luck itself or at the tail end of the day, with the latter having more of a surprise factor. You can also have your students judge the best dish through a voting system rather than having a panel of judges. Regardless of who wins, however, make sure that everyone takes home a prize so that the event can end on a pleasant note. You can also have multiple categories of prizes, rather than just giving out first-, second-, and third-place awards.
Arrange a parent-student field trip
Sometimes, it’s best to go back to the basics. For example, you can hold a field trip to give your students a chance to hang out with their parents in a place where they can have a fun time as a family. Some great choices of places to go to include the local zoo, a nearby museum, as well as an art gallery. You can also arrange games during the field where the parents and students can work together in tandem to win.
Run a silent auction
Finally, you can both raise money for charity as well as get parents to enjoy a fun activity with their children by holding a silent auction, where the goods to be auctioned off are donated by the parents themselves. The buyers, of course, can be students or other parents. The proceeds can go towards future class activities and outings, or to a charity or cause of your choosing. Another variant of this idea is to hold a school-wide garage sale, where parents can donate their unwanted goods or things to be sold off for charity.
While students will always be the main priority of any school, it should also look towards maintaining good relations with parents. Doing so ensures that the parents remain well-informed and well-invested in the students’ ongoing education, while also making them play and active role in their children’s life in and out of school.