Terris Little Haven

I’ve traded scrubs for relaxation as a retired nurse, soaking up the Southern charm in Georgia and living my ultimate life! With my furry friends by my side, I’m not just a tiny house dweller – I’m a tiny house enthusiast, blogging my heart out along the way!


How To Approach An Undergrad Research Paper

An undergrad research paper is not an easy task to complete. It requires patience, determination, hard work, and language skills. Unlike other research, it is subjective to the teacher or professor’s defined outlines.  There are tonnes of things one needs to do to get it right: from topic selection to gathering material, from creating an outline to revising the final draft.

How to approach it

To write a good paper one has to follow certain research etiquette such as:

  • Citing findings and arguments properly – citing the research findings is important so as not to plagiarize from other sources. 
  • Using legitimate sources – Using reputable sources is key for a good research paper. University’s library is a good place to start. It also might have access to databases like JSTOR or reputable journals. Good quality source material will define the research paper.

Choosing the ideal topic

Developing a thesis is the next step after finding the sources. When choosing a thesis, keep in mind it has to be original but still has enough sources to draw from. Ask a question that deserves a well-thought-out answer. 

Answer it with a well-thought argument. While looking for an ideal topic, pick four to five different questions, research about them, and then choose one among them. While choosing the topic consider personal interests, the field of study, time available, and whether it can be answered under the given word limit. 

One can also avail of academic writing services and take the help of professionals for the thesis. Professionals will bring in a new perspective that can help the research.  

Importance of an outline

Creating an outline will be helpful when first starting. Write down a sentence as an introduction, the points one wants to make in their research, and one sentence to wrap it up in the conclusion. This helps in getting a visual idea of the final paper. 

Start the work 

After studying and gathering information, it is now time to write. Elaborate the points until there is nothing more to say. There is no need to follow a specific way of writing research. One can write their conclusion first and then elaborate on the main passage. It doesn’t matter what one writes first.

Can’t go wrong with quotes

Using quotes can be an effective way of helping the arguments by using someone else’s words. If one quotes something word-for-word, one needs to cite the sources. Use quotation marks and mention the source of the words. 

Don’t skip the revision 

Revising what one has written is the next important step. Make sure that the arguments make sense. Editing the structure, wording, length, and organization is all a part of this process.

One can also correct grammatical errors during revision. A good idea is to make another person read the paper and ask them if the points get across correctly.

One has to follow the exact parameters like word limit and deadlines decided by the university. 


 Writing research papers in one’s discipline is always a good idea. It provides one with experience in writing better. Undergrad students should make an effort to write and research as much as they can. All great researchers learn to write with practice, organization, diligence, and readiness to learn and make mistakes.

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