Terris Little Haven

I’ve traded scrubs for relaxation as a retired nurse, soaking up the Southern charm in Georgia and living my ultimate life! With my furry friends by my side, I’m not just a tiny house dweller – I’m a tiny house enthusiast, blogging my heart out along the way!


5 Easy Ways to Save Energy at Home

Conserving energy in homes has several benefits, from cutting costs to environmental benefits. When you save energy, you preserve the resources for prolonged use. The methods for reducing energy use range from simple behavioural changes to extensive home improvement ideas. Here are some easy ways to save energy at home

Make a few changes to your day-to-day behavior

You do not have to go out and buy newer energy-efficient products in your quest for reducing energy consumption. A few changes to your day-to-day behaviors will significantly reduce energy consumption in your home. Simple things like turning off the lights when you leave a room or switching off appliances when you are not using them will help save energy. Turning down the thermostat in the wintertime and reducing air conditioner use during summer also has a high potential for utility savings. Hang dry your clothes instead of using the dryer and hand wash dishes to use the energy-intensive equipment less. 

Switch to light-emitting diode (LED) bulbs

Most of the traditional incandescent bulbs tend to use so much more electricity. Replacing them with more energy-efficient ones reduces energy consumption. Some of the better alternatives are Halogen incandescent lights and compact fluorescent lights. Not only do they use significantly less electricity, but they can also last longer than their traditional counterparts. Energy-efficient bulbs may be more expensive, but the extended life and efficiency in energy use make them cost less in the long run. 

Insulate the home

One of the most effective ways to conserve energy and lower utility bills is insulating your home. Insulation provides a heat flow barrier. The barrier is necessary for having the home cool in the summer and warm during winter. With a properly insulated home, you can reduce the cooling and heating bills and enjoy year-round comfort. The R-value for your insulation will depend on the climate of the locality of your house. 

The main areas you should consider insulating are the attic, floors, walls, crawlspace, and basement. You can work with professionals from craft face insulation Savannah and Isle of hope to install insulation in your home and recommend the best type of insulation according to your home specifications.

Purchase energy-efficient appliances

In most homes, appliances use more than ten percent of the energy. Having energy-efficient appliances in your home reduces your energy consumption considerably. Energy-efficient appliances tend to cost more on the shelf. However, they have significantly lower operational costs despite the higher upfront purchase prices. Energy-efficient appliances usually have the Energy Star label making it easier to identify them. The amount of saving you get with energy-efficient appliance models highly depends on the specific equipment. 

Cut down on water heating expenses

A considerable chunk of the electricity consumption in homes goes to water heating. There are various ways to reduce water heating expenses and, in turn, conserve energy. Turning down the thermostat on the water heater and intentionally using less hot water are some of the simplest ways to cut down on water heating expenses. Insulating the water heater pipes also helps to reduce energy consumption. Consider switching to a more efficient water heater model that meets your needs and uses a more efficient type of fuel. 

Final remarks

Energy conservation is doubtlessly essential. It not only keeps more cash in your pocket but also protects the environment from excessive carbon dioxide emissions. Try the tips above to reduce your carbon footprint and lower your utility bills. 

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