Terris Little Haven

I’ve traded scrubs for relaxation as a retired nurse, soaking up the Southern charm in Georgia and living my ultimate life! With my furry friends by my side, I’m not just a tiny house dweller – I’m a tiny house enthusiast, blogging my heart out along the way!


Little Ways To Support Your Children’s Education At Home

Education isn’t only for the classroom. Your child can learn through everything they do, and anywhere they go! And seeing as they spend most of their time at home, you can support their schooling with a few activities outside of traditional learning hours. Here are just a few ideas you might like that your child may respond well to. 

Have Reading Time Together

Reading is the best thing for learning when you’re a kid. Even just a picture book with a handful of words in it can make all the difference in how well your child grasps a subject. So make regular time for reading together. 

Bring a new book home once a week and sit down with it, either in the morning or before bedtime. Read out passages aloud together, ask your child what they think the pictures or the sentences mean, and then do a summary of the plot (and themes for older children) at the end. 

Do a Quick Spelling Test

Spelling tests can be easily arranged when you’ve got a word generator and 10 minutes to spare! All you need to do is write down 15 to 20 words you want your child to spell, or practice writing out, and then give them time and a bit of silence. 

When they’re done, go over the results with them. This is where you can see the quality of their handwriting, spelling ability, and word recognition for yourself. Talk over the words they got wrong and see your child’s thinking process when it comes to something they don’t know. 

Play Some Educational Games

From board games to video games to word games on a bit of paper, there are plenty of gaming activities out there that can be educational. And seeing as kids respond to fun very well, this is where your educational efforts will really come into their own! 

You can find educational games by subject, or you can come up with some games of your own. Even a quick game of hangman is going to help your child think creatively and learn to spell, with a little bit of art instruction thrown in! 

Talk to Their Teacher

If you’re not sure how to support your child, be sure to have a word with their teacher one day during pick-up time. Ask about things your child might be struggling with, and if there’s anything you can do to help them out at home. 

The more you know about your child’s educational ability, the better you can strengthen their ability to apply themselves. An encouraging word from a parent, or talking about the difficulties they face openly, are two great ways to get them to see learning in a different light. 

If you want to support your child’s education, all you have to do is bring the classroom home with you. Make it fun, keep it simple, and spend some quality time going over subjects together. It’ll really pay off in the long run! 

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