Terris Little Haven

I’ve traded scrubs for relaxation as a retired nurse, soaking up the Southern charm in Georgia and living my ultimate life! With my furry friends by my side, I’m not just a tiny house dweller – I’m a tiny house enthusiast, blogging my heart out along the way!


Save Money When Moving Across States With 2 Precautions

Save Money When Moving Across States With 2 Precautions

Relationships, the need for a fresh start, or a once in a lifetime opportunity are some of the reasons that drive people to make interstate relocations. Regardless of the reason behind your move, the first step is making it a success is hiring credible help.

Luckily, you have a lot of reliable cross-country or long-distance movers at your disposal. Having a seasoned moving expert do all the heavy lifting makes the process easy and painless. They will ensure that your stuff gets to your new home all in one piece and within the shortest time possible.

Take these additional precautions to ensure a successful process.  

Get insurance

Save Money When Moving Across States With 2 Precautions

A lot of misfortunes can befall your prized possession as the trucking companies move them thousands of miles to your new home. Instead of crossing your fingers and hoping for the best, you’re better off getting moving insurance. Just don’t settle for released value protection.

See, this is the most essential coverage option that most movers offer to their clients. It allows the mover to assume the liability of 60 cents per pound per article. That means the company won’t replace or repair damaged items if you file a claim. Instead, they will pay you the weight of the item multiplied by 60 cents, which is a terrible deal.

That would mean getting a measly $30 for your expensive flat screen TV. To avoid incurring such huge losses, you’re better off with a full value protection policy as it covers household items at between $4-6 per pound.

With this cover, the moving company has the option to repair the item or replace an item with one of comparable value. They can also pay for the item at current market value or pay for the cost of repair. This option, however, carries a deductible of up to $1,000 before the company can honor your claim.

Avoid the peak moving season

If you’re looking to start a new life in a new home that’s thousands of miles away, rest assured that it’s going to cost you a pretty penny. It’s going to cost you thousands of dollars at the very least. Moving a 2- or 3-bedroom house over 1,000 miles is going to cost you about $4,890.

If you’re running on a tight budget, that can leave a sizeable dent in your wallet. Luckily, you can lower this amount with a little digging. See, there’s a peak moving season that lasts from April to September. The high demand for moving services drives up costs.

Waiting out the peak increases your chances of getting affordable quotes for your move as they react to demand and supply. The non-peak season runs through fall and winter. Waiting out the peak season can save you some money along the way.

Relocating to a different city or state can give you a much-needed break or fresh start in life. As such, you need to take every precaution to make the process painless and fruitful. Having proper insurance coverage saves you from incurring unnecessary costs replacing lost items or repairing damaged goods. Moving during the non-peak season lowers the moving costs to let you start life on a positive financial note.