Terris Little Haven

I’ve traded scrubs for relaxation as a retired nurse, soaking up the Southern charm in Georgia and living my ultimate life! With my furry friends by my side, I’m not just a tiny house dweller – I’m a tiny house enthusiast, blogging my heart out along the way!


5 Ideas to Make Your Holidays More Meaningful

Even though you still haven’t celebrated Thanksgiving, you might already be thinking about the biggest holiday of the year, especially if you’ve got kids or grandkids who expect the magic of Christmas. These times can be stressful though, which could ruin your enjoyment and you might miss out on the more meaningful experiences, so consider these small but rewarding ways to make your holidays matter more. 

Family Decor 

Christmas is the perfect time to reconnect with family and value one another. While presents, dinner, and games are all fun, you can add personalized Christmas ornaments and accessories around the house to add more flavor that will undoubtedly celebrate your special bond. 

The beauty of these accessories is that you can use them year after year and add to them as the Christmases go by. Whether you want to make your pet feel special with their face on a bauble or showcase a family photo, you have plenty of options. 

Make Treats Yourself 

The holiday season is also the time you can allow yourself a little indulgence, and what better way to indulge than with Christmas treats? There are plenty of holiday recipes that offer something sweet to top off an already enjoyable day, especially if you prefer to get creative with your dishes instead of the classic spread you usually put on. 

Don’t Put Too Much Pressure On Yourself 

As enjoyable as the holidays can be, it can also cause people to expect a lot of themselves. Whether it’s buying the best gifts or trying to balance various dynamics between cooking a huge dinner, it’s no wonder some people get so stressed. 

And it can all become a bit too overwhelming but practicing gratitude is an excellent way to find balance and unearth some peace in the center of it all. While there’s a lot of work, you should also relish the time you get to spend with your nearest and dearest. 

Create A New Tradition

New traditions are a great way to make your holidays feel more meaningful, especially if you’ve welcomed new family members through grandchildren or your kids have gotten married recently. 

But what kind of traditions can you introduce? Some families like to go for Christmas Day walks, whereas others watch a classic movie or play games (perhaps with a yearly running scoreboard). Of course, it’s your tradition, so you can do whatever you like. 

Find Some Time For You

With so much going on, it can feel impossible to find some time for yourself but you need this time to ensure you have the energy to be the perfect host. Try to get as organized as you can before the big day so you can settle in and catch up on your favorite books or some of the classics to give you a fun little escape from your hectic schedule.


The holidays are the perfect time to remember what matters most and celebrate with your loved ones. It can still be stressful, but the atmosphere and positive vibes can easily sway those to ensure you get the most out of the holidays and get the chance to reconnect with your family and yourself. 

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