Terris Little Haven

I’ve traded scrubs for relaxation as a retired nurse, soaking up the Southern charm in Georgia and living my ultimate life! With my furry friends by my side, I’m not just a tiny house dweller – I’m a tiny house enthusiast, blogging my heart out along the way!

BloggingCareerCareer Planning

Career Crisis: But Is The Answer Staring You In The Face?

Some people are so lucky when they leave school they know exactly what they want to do with their lives, don’t they? The smug people that take the right degrees and gain the right qualifications to pursue the career of their dreams. They spend their lives working their way up their chosen career ladder and making big successes for themselves. But there are people who just don’t have a clue in school what they want to do with their lives, and it is actually more common than you think. Not all of us really know what our passions are at a young age. We don’t really know what skills we have or are going to learn, or subsequently what we might be remotely talented in. Sometimes you just don’t know, but yet with the way of the world, you have no choice but to consider some form of career choice and get yourself a job. We need some sort of income to survive. For a while, you may be happy trucking along, however, many of us can get to a stage in our lives where we have a career crisis. After all, we spend a good chunk of our lives working, we should at least enjoy what we do or feel satisfied that we have done a job well. So if you find yourself at a bit of a career crossroads and not sure what to do, you may have the answer staring you in the face. I wanted to share with you some of the ways that you could identify the ideal career option for you.

Career Crisis: But Is The Answer Staring You In The Face?

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Look at your current personality traits

One of the first things you should really consider doing is looking at your current personality traits and how you are as a person. What makes you feel good, what makes you happy? Sometimes understanding how you are as a person can begin to highlight potential career options. You may be a caring sort of person, always coming to the aid of people and wanting to help them. It could be to do with their health, which would then highlight a potential career as a nurse where things like fnp online programs could help you on your journey. You may love the idea of helping women and having had a family want to work as midwife. Maybe you are passionate and a self-motivator, and know that you can motivate others. Or perhaps you are a born leader. Look at who you are and narrow down your best qualities, small and big, and you may find that the answer is right there.

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

Another thing to think about would be how you spend your spare time? We all have times to ourselves at some point, and so what do you choose to do with it? Maybe you exercise and enjoy taking care of yourself. Could you do that for others? Training as a personal trainer and helping people reach their fitness goals could be the ideal thing for you to do. Maybe you enjoy talking to people, or naturally people feel at ease talking to you about how they feel or their problems. This could be a career choice as you could consider taking qualifications to become a therapist or counsellor.

Could your hobby become your career?

You may also spend your spare time doing some sort of hobby, but have you ever thought about whether or not that hobby could become your new career option? One big hobby people have these days is blogging. Starting a blog to share your passions and tips on something specific could be a real creative outlet for you, but so many of these people are now turning their blog into a full time career. YouTube is the same, a hobby creating videos could turn into a full-fledged career choice. Maybe you bake in your spare time, perhaps creating cakes for family celebrations. Could this be ramped up to become a job? The potential is there, you just need to look at your hobby from a different perspective.

Is working for yourself an option?

Finally, have you ever had the dream to become your own boss? Maybe you want to work for yourself but just don’t know where to start. You could already be using your skills and current job as a platform. Maybe you could freelance and work for yourself doing what you already do? You choose your hours, and strike a better home and work life balance. Maybe you a franchise could be the one. Using a current business model and making it your own in a different location.

I hope that these ideas give you something to think about if you are considering a change in career.

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