Terris Little Haven

I’ve traded scrubs for relaxation as a retired nurse, soaking up the Southern charm in Georgia and living my ultimate life! With my furry friends by my side, I’m not just a tiny house dweller – I’m a tiny house enthusiast, blogging my heart out along the way!

LifestyleReal Estate

How To Find A Home With The Perfect View

Many of us love the idea of waking up to stunning views. Studies have shown that a beautiful natural view – whether it’s the sea or rolling hills or a mountain – is great for boosting our mental health

Why? Because as cavemen, being able to see our natural surroundings from a vantage point helped provide security from danger. Such dangers may not exist now, but we still inherently find views calming. On top of this, natural landscapes are fascinating to us because they are ever changing.

Of course, a dramatic urban view can also be impressive. Many people love the idea of being able to see landmarks from their window or simply being able to watch a city wake up.

Finding a home with spectacular views isn’t easy, but if you’re committed enough you’ll find somewhere. This post offers some tips on how to find a home with the perfect view.

Understand how a view affects the price tag

A great view can increase the price tag of a home. A house on flat ground with a view of a local park could cost 10% more than a similar house without this view. Meanwhile, a house on a hill with an unobstructed vista of the sea could cost as much as 75% more than the same house without this view. 

The more stunning the view you’re after, the bigger your budget will need to be. This often means making compromises to afford a great view such as less space or a home in poorer condition.

Look further back and higher

Properties on the seafront are highly sought after, as are properties with unobstructed views of local landmarks. However, these properties come at a very high price. They also often have other issues such as a greater flood risk and reduced privacy due to crowds outside. 

It’s better to look for properties further back that are higher up. Views from these properties are likely to be partially obstructed and more distant, but still impressive. And these homes aren’t as expensive as a front row property – plus they offer more privacy from crowds and shelter from natural disasters like flooding. 

Consider upper floor apartments

Living in an upper floor apartment has its downsides: you may have to hike up lots of stairs every day and you won’t have as much space as you would in a house. However, these homes are often a cheap way to access stunning unobstructed views.

Apartment blocks that are quite inland from the sea can often still have sea views, while apartments on the fringes of towns may offer countryside views that are better than properties that are directly on the edge of the town. It’s definitely something worth looking into if you don’t mind the stairs or the reduced space of an apartment.  

Search for homes with balconies and terraces

Some homes really take advantage of the views they have by containing balconies or terraces. Consider searching for terms like ‘balcony’ and ‘roof terrace’ on property listing sites to see what properties you can find. 

Just be wary that not all homes with a balcony or roof terrace automatically come with good views – you may have nothing but car parks or rooftops to look at. 

See the view for yourself

An online property listing may tell you it has great views and may even offer photos of this view. However, until you’ve seen the property yourself, you won’t be able to judge just how ‘great’ this view is. Some properties advertise a great view – but in reality you have to stand on the toilet and crane your neck to see it.

Always schedule a viewing so that you can see how accessible the view is and whether it really is as impressive as the photos claim (some photos can be heavily edited).

Consider how a view may change with the seasons

When house-hunting in winter, be wary of properties with great views that are partially obstructed by leafless trees. In the summer, when all the leaves are on the trees, any views may be completely hidden.

A good view should be available all year round – especially if you’re paying more for it.

Build your own home

Custom homes can be a great way to access incredible views. You’ll usually get to choose a plot of land on the suburbs, which may be surrounded by unspoilt natural views. Meanwhile, you get to customize how your home is oriented in order to access the best views from the best rooms. You may even be able to add larger windows, balconies or terraces to certain parts of your home to maximize these views.

There are many companies like J&K Custom Homes that you can work with to build your home. Custom homes can often be quite affordable compared to older existing homes, however you do have to wait longer to move in.  

Unlock new views with renovations

Some homes have hidden views that are yet to be unlocked. By converting your attic or adding an upstairs extension, it’s possible that you may be able to access new views. This could be an alternative solution to moving in some cases. 

By climbing onto your roof or using a ladder, you can work out if there are any potential views to be accessed from your property by making renovations. Just consider that you may need to get a zoning permit from your local authorities and permission from any neighbors whose views/privacy may be affected. This guide at Property Metrics delves more into zoning laws. 

Maximize existing views with renovations

It’s possible that a home may already have a great view, which can be made better by adding a larger window. A Juliet balcony could even allow you to enjoy a view with some fresh air without having to get permission to build a full balcony. 

All in all, don’t settle for an amazing view from a porthole window.

Research into future developments

Just because a property has an incredible view now doesn’t mean that it will necessarily have an incredible view forever. There could be future plans to build houses in front of the property – blocking out your view. Alternatively, there could be plans to knock down a forest or build a sea wall.

Make sure to research into future potential developments. This is something many people overlook when moving into new builds on the edge of town – in a year’s time, those stunning countryside views could be covered in houses. 

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