Terris Little Haven

I’ve traded scrubs for relaxation as a retired nurse, soaking up the Southern charm in Georgia and living my ultimate life! With my furry friends by my side, I’m not just a tiny house dweller – I’m a tiny house enthusiast, blogging my heart out along the way!

Health & Wellness

Living a Healthy Lifestyle into the Old Age

Every year comes with new resolutions to improve your life. This includes finding easy ways to impart healthy habits into your lifestyle and begin on a promising note. While getting started on the entire journey may seem daunting, you’ll keep the spirit once you start seeing the benefits of living a more productive lifestyle.

Many myths about living a healthy lifestyle always revolve around eating healthy and exercising. But in reality, developing a healthy lifestyle routine and maintaining it isn’t just about these two—it transcends deeper into keeping a positive attitude. This way, you get the mental strength to do what’s good for your body. This article addresses all these aspects and the healthy lifestyle tips that’ll help you get there.

1. Eat Healthy Food

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle first requires you to check on your feeding habits. This includes minding the foods you eat and the overall quantity uptake. For instance, the fats you consume in one meal should be less than 30% of your total energy intake. It’s also advisable to consume more unsaturated fats than saturated ones.

This will help you manage your weight gain and avoid unhealthy conditions such as obesity. Some of the foods you can consider on your diet are fish, nuts, and avocado. You can also find these unsaturated fats in soybeans, olive oils, and sunflowers. Similarly, adding more fruits and vegetables to your diet will put you on the right track.

2. Get Vaccinated and Regular Medical Checks

Most people take vaccinations for granted, forgetting it’s one of the most effective ways to prevent diseases. Through vaccines, your body gains an effective defence mechanism alongside natural immunity. If you’re an adult, it’s often advisable to talk to your physician for regular health checks and establish whether immunization is necessary.

Besides immunization, you should also prioritize regular medical checks on diseases like cancer and high blood pressure. This is because most of these diseases attack you silently, leaving you unaware of the problem in the early stages. If left uncontrolled, these conditions may have a near detrimental effect on your body.

3. Try Regular Exercising.

Getting a few minutes of weekly activity is a recommended healthy lifestyle habit for people of all ages. Good exercise helps you relieve stress, strengthens muscles, and boosts your body’s endurance against infections. Your body will work more efficiently when undertaking other tasks if you’re active and in perfect shape.

The best way to approach regular exercising is to pick workouts that make you feel comfortable. You should not limit such exercises to intense workouts at the gym. Instead, you can stick to easy home workouts that can keep you as active as possible. Assign to yourself at least thirty minutes a day and develop a routine that’ll perfectly suit you.

4.  Avoid Alcohol and Smoking

Health experts associate alcohol consumption with many complications. It can lead to health problems that’ll affect your overall way of life in a significant way. Mental and behavioural disorders are just among the few challenges you’ll develop when consuming alcohol beyond the recommended amount. 

In addition, conditions like liver cirrhosis, some cancers, and heart diseases are highly associated with too much alcohol consumption. These conditions also come about with too much tobacco use. With tobacco, the effects may transcend even further to non-smokers through second-hand exposure. 

The World Health Organisation reports that Cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide, accounting for close to 10 million deaths in 2020 alone. So, failing to control yourself on tobacco use means you’ll put your body at a higher risk of developing this life-threatening medical condition.

5. Always Get Enough Sleep 

There’s no doubt you need enough sleep regardless of how tight your day-to-day schedule is. Prioritizing sleep is crucial in preparing your body for a successful and more energized day ahead. A good sleep cycle will require you to take at least seven to eight hours of rest at night. This sleep cycle also works best if it’s free from any form of interruptions.

A commitment to a regular sleep schedule will lead to a significant difference in how your body functions. First, it will prevent you from overeating junk, which is a common tendency associated with people who don’t get enough sleep. In addition, you’ll suffer less from sleep deprivation, health conditions, low moods, and reduced energy levels. 

6. Make Water Your Number One Friend

While you can go without food for days, you won’t succeed even a day without taking water. With your body in constant need of fluids, water plays a pivotal role in ensuring you’re hydrated. Besides, it is essential for good health as it helps in body weight regulation.  Water also increases your body metabolism meaning the more you’re hydrated, the faster your metabolism works. 

A water-deficient body will often experience challenges associated with failing energy levels. However, the moment you start drinking the recommended amount of water, your body will have renewed energy levels. Other health benefits you get from taking enough water include regulated body temperatures, good muscle function, and healthy-looking skin.

7. Always Stay Positive with a Healthy Mind

Your mental health carries equal significance just as physical health. For that reason, exercising your brain forms part of a healthy lifestyle habit you should adopt. Every activity you choose to keep your brain active helps keep it healthy and reduces any chances of memory loss. Mental health experts recommend brain exercises that work best for you. 

For instance, you can stick to playing games if you feel they’re enjoyable and mentally uplifting.  Alternatively, you can go the extra mile to try something complex, such as filling a word puzzle or learning a new language. No matter what you choose, good mental exercise is good for your overall health. 

Final Word

Living a healthy lifestyle is not a preserve of the few. You can easily achieve it if you stick to good nutritional habits. Consider making the above highlighted essential tips part of your daily routine and experience the difference they’ll bring to your overall health.