Terris Little Haven

I’ve traded scrubs for relaxation as a retired nurse, soaking up the Southern charm in Georgia and living my ultimate life! With my furry friends by my side, I’m not just a tiny house dweller – I’m a tiny house enthusiast, blogging my heart out along the way!

Career Planning

4 Practical Tips to Find and Get Your Dream Job

Even before a child reaches high school, there are several questions about the future that parents, teachers, and society, in general, expects them to know. Their career path is one such question. As a child whose imagination is running wild, the world seems like your oyster. And that is a great thing. But the problems begin when teens become adults and have to face the sweet and sour (often bitter) realities of the real world.

Only a handful of kids who, as children, knew what they wanted to become in life end up doing something similar. For most, their childhood dreams become nothing but happy anecdotes. And that’s perfectly ok. It is pretty challenging to predict what the future will look like when you are 18 years old. But as you grow up and face the music, the same uncertainty can define how you live life through your 20s and 30s.

The good news is, it is never too late to start chalking your future! If you live in Malta and are wondering how to advance your careers Malta, all you need is a great deal of determination, honesty, and some practical tips! The first two, it’s all you, but here’s how you can get the third.

Read on to find out four practical tips on how to land the perfect job. Happy reading!

Why Is It So Important to Find the Perfect Job?

Isn’t it enough to get a job that pays you well, is reputable and secure?

As it turns out, no! With jobs, there’s more you should consider than just the basics. It is ok to join a company even if you aren’t too impressed by the job role if it serves some greater purpose (paying off loans, taking care of family etc.). But in just a few months you realise it’s becoming exceedingly difficult to get up every day and reach the office. Here’s where the ‘perfect job’ comes as a saving grace. The right job can:

  • Give Purpose to Your Life

Do you love nature and working with your hands? But you are stuck behind the desk in a cushy office job? Then the right career choice can make your life blissful because you will do what you love for your living!

  • Reduce Emotional Stress

More than 50% of employees associate work with words like ‘dull’, ‘limiting’, ‘depressing’, ‘stressful’, etc. While some blame falls on work cultures and office environments, a lot of this stress and depression is because they aren’t happy doing what they do five days a week. Your dream job will ensure you don’t do any of these things.

  • Help Nurture Passion

Imagine if Charles Dickens was a construction guy who never wrote Oliver Twist. The world would not experience the magic of his words. In the same way, your dream job should allow your passions to grow and not limit them.

So, now that you understand why you should find a job that suits you and not follow a trend blindly, here are the five tips you can use in your favour to find your dream job.

How to Find Your Dream Job: 5 Tips that Work!

  • Play by Your Strengths

If someone says that the path to success is always hard, they are oversimplifying things and don’t know how the job scenario in Malta has changed over the years. While hard work has no replacement, the journey to success doesn’t have to be a bumpy one.

So, assess what your core strengths are and list them out. This not only shows what your skills are, but it also puts things into perspective if you are confused about what career path is best for you. There are many self-assessment tools available online that make it super simple to find your skill sets. Once you know the skills, all that’s left is to find a career path that sums up all or most of these skills.

  • Look Back to Identify Things That Didn’t Work

If you want to avoid the vicious cycle of workplace dissatisfaction, it makes complete sense to pause and look back at things that didn’t work for you. It is very unlikely that they will work well in the future.

When you decide to switch, ask yourself some of the following questions and evaluate the prospective offer based on how different the new role is from your previous positions.

  • One thing you loved about the job/company
  • One thing you hated about the job/company
  • What was the most frustrating part of the job?
  • One thing that made you proud as an employee
  • What was your biggest achievement?

Speak to Other Professionals and Career Guides

Sometimes it is not easy to self-evaluate certain things in life. As humans, you ought to make a biased decision without even realising that you are showing bias. So, if you think the previous two exercises are not giving you much results, you should consult with others who work in the industry and career coaches.

In many situations, it is not the lack of information that clouds your judgement; it is the inability to reflect on thoughts. A third pair of ears (especially if they are not personal connections) helps clear your mind enough to see what’s right for you.

  • Take the Work Culture into Account

More often than not, you’ll hear people say, “I wish my boss were more compassionate,” or “I love my job but can’t stand the work timing.”

If you think you are on the right career track but still find it challenging to think about your future positively, it is probably because you are stuck with a workplace culture that doesn’t align with your ethics. Try to find job roles (and look beyond the regular 9 to 5 jobs) and work cultures that align with your ideals. You’ll be surprised how much it means by way of job satisfaction.

Summing Up

Nothing’s worse than doing the same old things at work when your heart’s not in the right place. So, if you are stuck with a job you’d rather not do, it is high time you pause and take a long, hard look at whether you are on the right career path or not.

Here’s hoping you’ll benefit from these tips and land your dream job sooner rather than later.