Quick Facts about Workplace Accident Claims You Should Know to Help You with Your Case
Most people go to work and spend time in the workplace for around eight hours each day, and the workplace is certainly an environment where most of us spend a good part of our lives. But most of us also go to work with the confidence that we will be safe in our work premises – so when an accident occurs, this can be quite devastating, especially if it has resulted in an injury to your person. If your workplace accident was not directly your fault but was due to other factors, such as faulty equipment, improper work procedures, a lack of training, and more, you may have the right to seek compensation. But what else should you know about making a claim for a workplace accident? Here are some quick facts about workplace accident claims you should know to help you with your case.
The basics of a workplace accident claim
Essentially speaking, a workplace accident claim or a claim for employer’s liability describes any kind of incident wherein you were injured in the workplace, due to the negligence of your employer. This may include things that your employer did or did not do, which resulted in their failure to protect you and keep you safe in your work premises. There is various legislation in place to protect workers and employees from workplace injuries, and these also ensure that you, as an employee, can seek compensation in case you are injured while performing your duties.
For you to have a successful workplace accident claim, you have to prove that your employer did not take the steps that were necessary to help you avoid an accident such as not being able to wash off dangerous chemicals on you that you may come into contact with by not providing eyewash safety showers at Storemasta. This is one prime reason why you should document the circumstances that surround your injury in the workplace as soon as possible. With the right information and all the details about your injury, you can be fully equipped to make sure you have a successful claim.
Your expected sick pay
Even if employers may not be required under the law to pay your full salary when you have a workplace injury, they are usually obligated to give you Statutory Sick Pay, and this can be paid up to around 28 weeks following the injury. You will have to be absent from work for at least four days (consecutively) before you can receive SSP. If your condition is considered a disability, you can receive full and complete pay. In many cases that surround an injury in the workplace, the injured person will most likely have a shortage in their finances because of lost income, and this is why you can include lost income or earnings in your claim for compensation.
What you can claim for a workplace accident
As a good solicitor from http://shireslaw.com will confirm, you can claim a number of damages for a workplace accident. You will be able to claim for general damages, which includes the actual pain and suffering caused by your injury and your mental and emotional anguish as well as physical impairment or disfigurement. General damages can also include a decrease in your quality and enjoyment of life. You can click here to get an idea of how a solicitor can help you represent your case and get you a fair settlement deal.
Other claims include loss of income, medical expenses, travel and transportation costs, and claims for care if you need a caretaker because of your injury.
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