Terris Little Haven

I’ve traded scrubs for relaxation as a retired nurse, soaking up the Southern charm in Georgia and living my ultimate life! With my furry friends by my side, I’m not just a tiny house dweller – I’m a tiny house enthusiast, blogging my heart out along the way!


Why Are Millennials Getting Divorced Less Than Their Parents

Even though Baby Boom generation is still going strong, their heirs – Millennials are already changing the world. They not only do it differently but also uniquely and for the better. Millennials are more concentrated on the quality of things than their quantity. Observing something from different and various perspectives is a refreshing approach to the matters that are left as it is for too long.

They challenge the current order of things where consumption has overthrown the contribution. This is the generation that grew up surrounded by information. They get their information from various sources – storytellers, witnesses, victims, participants, and observers. The truth is something they had to learn to recognize and examine, not just served information to be absorbed unquestionably.

Millennials are a more connected and open-minded generation than any before. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that the divorce rate among them is lower than with their parents’ generation. Even though the Millennials are yet to fully overtake the world, they seem to present impressive figures when it comes to divorce statistics.

Based on the U.S. Census Bureau the divorce rate has been decreasing since 1996. This is something observed on the global level among developed countries. Being the generation including those born between 1980 and 2000 does not leave enough room to observe the development of the later stages of marriage. However, compared to previously obtained findings, this generation is making the marriage work.

They take their time

Just like with everything else, Millennials don’t rush into important things. Gallup analysis shows that 27% of Millennials are married based on the tracking data from 2014. The U.S. Census Bureau presents data of almost 60% of the population from 18 to 30 years of age being married in 1962. That is 33% more than today.

The lower divorce rate is apparently directly connected to the delaying of marriage. However, this doesn’t mean that they’re avoiding it. The same Gallup analysis showed that 86% of single Americans intend to marry someday. The statistics say that 59% of Millennials are single and have never been married before.

A significant fact is that they don’t wait for marriage to have children. The public is more open to this behavior than it was before. Thus, 87% of people between 18 and 40 said they want to have children someday. The same data showed that this not necessarily means during the marriage.

Trial marriage

Marriage is something Millennials don’t take lightly. When they marry, they want it to last and be meaningful. This, many would say, romantic idea of spending their lives with the right person is a long and tiring process. However, the statistics so far prove that this is actually what Millennials expect.

They are not easily susceptible to the pressure from their parents, family and social expectations. Instead, they gravitate more toward unmarried partnerships, especially those 30 and older. The percentage of married individuals among that age has declined 10%. On the other hand, the percentage of those living with a partner has increased from 7% to 13%, based on the Gallup’s yearly nationwide polls.  

Millennials approach marriage like they do other important and significant things in their life – methodically. They like to evaluate all aspects and take the relationship on a “test drive”. This way they deal with possible deal breakers and issues on the spot.

Living together before getting married is also a fine way to mature and reveal what sides of character one should work on or learn. Moreover, when it comes to Millennials, it’s all about perfecting what matters and employing the maximum efforts.  

Shifting the tradition

Throughout human evolution, the tradition changed. The same applies today, in the 21st century when many pressing and tackling matters are finally being resolved.

When it comes to Millennials, the tradition has changed significantly compared to the previous generation. Let’s observe the simplest of traditions, for example, during weddings. The common tradition is to bring gifts, like a microwave or utensils. However, Millennials are more likely to ask for cash than gifts from their guests. This shouldn’t come as a surprise since most couples already leave together before marriage.

Tradition is something that considerably affects the evolution of society and human development. Religion, adopting the more flexible viewpoints, has certainly opened new possibilities for young people to gain support from their families. In addition, the laws almost and even fully made domestic partnership equal with the marriage. This undisputed convenience eases the pressure and leaves space for trial and error.

They are well prepared

Millennials do their research and like to be prepared. They have their dentist, repairman, veterinarian and all other associates necessary to cover every aspect of their lives in the most quality way. This means that they also have their lawyers at hand.

“You need a lawyer when you are not able to come to an agreement with your partner or ex-partner or when you want your family or property arrangements sorted efficiently and effectively,” say experts from the Withstand Lawyers.

It’s more likely that Millennials will know their spousal rights even before they get married. Some even decide to have prenuptial agreements as means to avoid later complications. These types of agreements previously thought to force the marriage duration, now more serve for stating the obvious facts. This generation loves to be prepared and land on their feet.

Final word

Millennials are using all the tools at their disposal to arrange their lives. Since this generation includes persons between 18 and 38 years of age, it is still early to come to any definitive conclusion about their divorce rate. However, the current behavior and trends show they approach it more freely and cautiously at the same time.

For them, marriage is more than a signature on a paper. It’s a proven compatibility between the two people who are ready to share the good and the bad with each other. Even though this sounds like something from the Jane Austen novel, maybe it’s the first time that marriage gets the real chance. What once was the result of the emotional peak, today is the logical aftermath of the chain of events.


*image by pexels.com