Terris Little Haven

I’ve traded scrubs for relaxation as a retired nurse, soaking up the Southern charm in Georgia and living my ultimate life! With my furry friends by my side, I’m not just a tiny house dweller – I’m a tiny house enthusiast, blogging my heart out along the way!

Chronic Pain

3 Ways Managing Chronic Pain Can Help You In 2020

It’s hard to believe that another year has almost come and gone.  We are just two days away from a brand new year. And if you live with chronic pain, I’m going to try and help you manage your pain in 2020 with all of the ways that helps me deal with mine.  This topic will be an ongoing series on Terri’s Little Haven.

When you live with chronic pain, it’s hard to distinguish between one day to the next.  I know, I live with chronic pain, 24/7.  I’m going to share what works for me in hopes that 2020 could be your year to learn how to manage your chronic pain better so you can live a fuller life.  Today I’m going to touch on three things that really helps me.


3 Ways Managing Chronic Pain Can Help You In 2020

If you aren’t seeing a pain clinic, I recommend you find one and stick with them. Pain clinics can help you manage your pain long term unlike most physicians offices.  If you are taking medicine or need medicine to manage your pain, you should absolutely consider finding a good pain clinic. The first thing I do when I wake up is to take my medicines.  I take them on time, every time.  Even when I don’t think I need them yet.  Taking pain medicine on time helps keep chronic pain under control so it doesn’t get to the point where it’s rising to an unbearable level.  Always take your medicine on time.

Hot Bath

3 Ways Managing Chronic Pain Can Help You In 2020

The next thing I do to start my day is to take a hot bath.  Not a shower.  There’s more risk of falling in a shower than there is in a bath.  Soaking in a hot bath helps my pain but it also helps my skin wake up, if that makes sense.  When I scrub my body, the water helps stimulate the blood flow.  Blood flow helps my aching stiff muscles and frozen joints.  A hot bath really does help with chronic pain and should be taken not only first thing in the morning, but if you can work one in after lunch and supper that would help as well.  FYI scented bath products works wonders.


3 Ways Managing Chronic Pain Can Help You In 2020

If you are disabled and stay at home, as well as seeing if a handicap parking permit could help you, find things to do to take your mind off of your pain such as caring for pets or trying new hobbies.  If you love to read, get lost in a good book. You can read free books online at several places which can be found on Google search. If movies are your thing, watch movies all day if you have to.  What helps me is a combination of things. I love doing puzzles, word search books, reading, watching movies and I have pets.  A lot of pets. I have a Chihuahua, 2 cats, 2 parakeets, 2 lovebirds, a fish aquarium, and a beta tank. I have to care for my pets throughout my day and focusing on something other than myself, gives me a sense of worth.  I feel needed.  For some reason that really helps my pain. If you don’t have pets, and you know you can care for one, pets are a good idea.

If you haven’t already, please sign up for my newsletter because I’ll be sharing a lot of pain management tips in 2020 and beyond.

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