Terris Little Haven

I’ve traded scrubs for relaxation as a retired nurse, soaking up the Southern charm in Georgia and living my ultimate life! With my furry friends by my side, I’m not just a tiny house dweller – I’m a tiny house enthusiast, blogging my heart out along the way!

Mental HealthPandemic

De-Stressing Tips During the Lockdown

While we are understandably concerned and cautious about the health risks we face with the Coronavirus, many experts warn about its toll on our mental health. The stress we experience during the lockdown is not only caused by the pandemic but also by way of life interrupted. Whether for work or pleasure, the activities we have gotten used to seem to be a thing of the past. Even more disheartening is that we are kept away from the people we care about, such as family members and friends. They, too, have their concerns and are taking measures just like the rest of us. Your state of mind is just as important as your physical well-being. You must pay close attention to it, too, because it directly affects your physical health.

The good news is that there are certain things you can do to reduce the stress and anxiety you feel during the lockdown.

Find something enjoyable to do

One of the reasons behind the stress you are feeling from the lockdown is frustration from not being able to control the situation. Following closely is boredom from being in the same environment day in and day out. Going out is not an option for safety’s sake. This is the time to find something you enjoy doing to keep you distracted from negative thoughts. Look for hobbies, read books, enroll in an online class, or learn how to play a musical instrument like the banjo with jofflowson.com. Do whatever interests you and keeps you preoccupied. You will be surprised at how time flies when you are focused on something you like doing.

Keep in contact with loved ones

There is nothing that can calm us down more than talking with people we love. Whether they are family or friends, they are always there to listen, give advice, or cheer you up. You need to know that you are not alone, and others are experiencing the same feelings too. Conversing with them is also a way for you to help them with their concerns. Do not be afraid to express yourself, but always end up on a positive note. Laugh with them and indulge in light conversation too.

Do some home improvements

Now that you are home, you can focus more on what you can do to make your place look better. You can get some DIY projects started and redecorate your home. Rearrange furnishings and de-clutter. You may not have had the time to do that before because of your busy work schedule. Now is the time to start getting rid of unnecessary items that clutter up your space. Work on your garden too. It is a pleasurable way to pass the time.

At this point, we know just about all we need to know about the Coronavirus and what we can do. Maintain a healthy lifestyle through exercise, nutritious food, and sleep. Apart from that, find ways to be productive even while you are home. This means making good use of the time you have to learn, work, and enjoy your life at home.