Drinking, Distractions And Being Too Daring: Are You Guilty Of Taking Risks Behind The Wheel?
The statistics related to car crashes in the USA don’t make for pleasant reading. Every year, more than 2 million people are injured on the roads, and often, crashes occur as a result of basic errors. If you’re a driver, you have a duty to comply with the rules of the road. If you do this, you’ll lower your risk of harming yourself and others. If you tend to take risks, here is some advice to help you become a more careful driver.
Drink driving
Have you ever got behind the wheel after going out for a drink or two? You may have lived to tell the tale, but if you were intoxicated, the story could have had a very different ending. Drinking alcohol affects your ability to maintain safe control of a vehicle. It doesn’t matter if you feel fine. The truth is that alcohol can affect you much more profoundly than you think. Your reactions will be slower, you may feel drowsy, and you’re more likely to take risks after drinking. The legal limit varies according to where you are in the world, so if you’re driving, and you don’t want to end up surrounded by flashing lights and sirens, it’s best to avoid drinking altogether.
Image source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/99329675@N02/11064883376
Distracted driving
How often do you make calls, send texts or play with the radio while you’re driving? When you’re out on the roads, there’s an abundance of hazards that may appear, often out of nowhere. You need to be focused on the road to ensure that you can react quickly. If an animal darts out from behind a parked car, or the vehicle in front slams on the brakes, you may not be able to act fast enough if you’re not paying attention. If you were driving, and you were hit by a driver who was texting at the time, for example, you have a right to claim, and it’s a good idea to check out sites like https://www.derricklawfirm.com/library/myrtle-beach-car-accident-attorney.cfm for information. If you were distracted, however, and you caused an accident, you may be liable for injuries sustained by other drivers, passengers or pedestrians.
Picture credit https://www.flickr.com/photos/intelfreepress/8598246170
Dangerous driving
Do you ever tailgate or try and overtake when there’s probably not enough time or space to do so? Driving can be exhilarating, but taking risks can be incredibly dangerous. Don’t put your life or the lives of others at risk when you’ve got that wheel in your hands. Read the road, give other vehicles space, and always check your blind spot and your mirrors before changing position. Stick to the speed limit, stay calm, and give yourself enough time to complete every maneuver safely. If you need more guidance about careful driving, take a look at this handy article https://www.huffingtonpost.com/laiza-king-/5-important-safety-tips-f_b_11228516.html.
Image courtesy of http://www.moody.af.mil/News/Article-Display/Article/211639/safety-officials-stress-safe-driving-on-bemiss-500/
Are you a careful driver, or are you guilty of taking risks? Next time you fire up the ignition, remember that it’s not just your safety that your actions affect. As a driver, you have a responsibility to protect others and pay attention to the rules of the road.