Terris Little Haven

I’ve traded scrubs for relaxation as a retired nurse, soaking up the Southern charm in Georgia and living my ultimate life! With my furry friends by my side, I’m not just a tiny house dweller – I’m a tiny house enthusiast, blogging my heart out along the way!

BloggingHealthHealth & Wellness

Looking After Number One: The Perfect Relaxing Weekend

Image Credit: Pexels

Sometimes, the perfect relaxing weekend to yourself is all you need. Taking some time to yourself is no bad thing and when you are feeling stressed and worn out, it’s the first thing you should do. But not everyone can just take a day or two off. Parents especially will struggle to get 10 minutes alone, never mind a full weekend to unwind!

And so, the perfect relaxing weekend may be more about finding snatches of relaxation, rather than completely vacating your life. Luckily, there are just a few perfect things you can do that won’t impact your family and will fast track you to calm, ready for a new week.

Take a Long Bath

Just like reclining in natural a hot spring, a warm bath relaxes your muscles and improves your circulation. But, in a bath, you can bring your own scented bubbles, add in a glass of something chilled and lie comfortably. Try using a travel pillow to make your head comfortable on the bath ledge and just lie back to soak.

Bath oils are also a great way to treat your skin, smoothing away any hard broken skin on your feet and leaving you glowing. Stress has a big impact on the health of your skin and so taking time to look after it is the best thing you can do to help yourself recover. And who doesn’t want to enjoy soft skin?

Stretch and Tone

When you feel stressed, your muscles quite often feel tight with tension. While a warm bath will help you to relax, doing some stretching and toning can really help to strengthen your muscles as well as release the tension from the week. Many people suffer with aches and pains that are related to stress but doing exercises such as Pilates or yoga can really help.

While you can find videos online that instruct you on the best poses to relax your body, Peak Pilates and Physiotherapy can offer more thorough instruction. They can also use physiotherapy techniques to help relieve the tension in your body and massage away any buildup of lactic acid. This is an ideal way to learn more about your body and what you can do to loosen up by yourself.

Get Some Rest

An early night is such a luxury, especially when you are feeling tired and worn out after a long week. Sleep is such a restorative and snuggling down under the covers feels wonderful. Just put the kids to bed and then go to bed yourself, reading if you like or just closing your eyes and meditating for a while before gradually drifting off.

If you can, getting an early night more often will certainly help you to feel more awake in the morning and have more energy throughout the week. Try going to bed or putting the light out just 15 minutes earlier than you would to see if that helps. Even just a small change like this could make a big difference to how you feel.