Terris Little Haven

I’ve traded scrubs for relaxation as a retired nurse, soaking up the Southern charm in Georgia and living my ultimate life! With my furry friends by my side, I’m not just a tiny house dweller – I’m a tiny house enthusiast, blogging my heart out along the way!


The Benefits Of Moving From Your Hometown


When you have lived in a particular area for much of your life, the idea of leaving it can be terrifying. You’ll likely find yourself worrying about how you won’t know anyone, how you’re not going to be sure where your local conveniences are, and how lonely it will be to be a stranger in a new place.

Having read through the above, you might have thought that you’ll just live in your hometown forever– who would want to put themselves through the stress and strain of such a huge upheaval? Of course, the potential challenges of leaving your hometown cannot be underestimated– but it’s worth taking some time to focus on the positives, too…

A new place means new experiences

If you have been living your life in much the same way up until this point, it’s likely you’ve yet to truly branch out and try something different. Many people find that the simple act of moving to a new city and having to acclimatize is scary and daunting, but it’s also incredibly exciting. Moving out of your hometown gives you the chance to experience life at a different pace, in relative anonymity, and with plenty to be discovered. If you ever feel as though life as you know it is a case of “same old, same old”, then moving to a new town or city is the surefire fix.

The opportunity for different properties

If you have always lived in your hometown, it’s fair to say that you have made your real estate decisions against a very small set of criteria. When location has always been the number one priority in buying a house, you’re restricted to making do with properties that aren’t 100% perfect, but you accept as a compromise due to the location. If you’re going to spread your wings and move from your hometown, then the entire world of exciting, innovative, and even luxury real estate is going to open up to you. For the first time, your purchasing decisions can be led by what you actually want, rather than the best you can get in that specific area.

You’ll come to appreciate your hometown more

Many people feel they don’t want to leave their home because they genuinely love their hometown– and there’s nothing wrong with that. However, it may be encouraging to know that leaving your hometown doesn’t mean you have left it behind, abandoned it, or fallen out of love. In fact, you will likely find that you appreciate your hometown even more than you already do, because time away will give you the opportunity to miss it– absence makes the heart grow fonder!

In conclusion

The idea of moving out of your hometown can be challenging, scary, and worrying, but it can also be a thrilling time in your life that brings forth new adventures, learning experiences, and opportunities. So while it might be difficult to consider, it’s also worth remembering that moving from your hometown also has the potential to be the best decision you ever make.