Tips For Securing New Clients
As a company, you are always going to be on the lookout for new clients and how to bring in new work. Bringing in new clients is vital for growing and expanding your business and will help you to stay ahead of the game and bring income in. The actual act of bringing in new business, however, is harder than it might seem. Not only do you need to go out there and find potential prospects who will want to invest, but you need to actually win the pitch to onboard them too. Here we have put together some top tips for securing new clients.
Ensure your business is in the best stead for success
As a business pitching to clients, you want to come across as serious and dedicated as possible. This means ensuring you have all the relevant credentials such as gips performance certification or any other relevant certificates that show your commitment and dedication. Your staff should be fully trained and if you have any awards, don’t be afraid to shout out about these too. This can all help put you in a better standing to win.
Offer incentives for new clients
As a company, you have the benefit of providing a product or service that others want, you might just have to fight a little for their business. One great way to attract them to join up is to offer an incentive. This could be in a monetary form such as a 10% discount or a month-free trial. You could also offer a reward once they have been with you a certain amount of time as this can help them to stay with you rather than moving onto a competitor. You could also give them a free gift when they sign up or find a way that you can both work together that is mutually beneficial.
Tailor your approach
If you are pitching to a business, they likely have a good sum of cash to part with. Because of this, you want to tailor your approach rather than doing the same pitch for everyone. Any marketing materials you are using, design these with their logo or branding, ensure your pitch is always talking about how it can specifically help their business and try not to be generic. The more personalised you are, the more effort it looks like you have put into it.
These are just a few top tips to help you secure new clients and win your next pitch. While it might seem daunting at first, particularly if you are a small and new business, the more you do it, the better you will become. Remember that just because you have one no, doesn’t mean that they all will be and don’t take rejection personally. Instead, use it to brush up on your skills and go bigger and better with your next attempt. What are some top tips you have for securing new clients? Let us know in the comments below, we’d love to hear from you.