Why You Should Take Better Care of Your Skin
The skin is the largest organ in the human body, so you need to look after it. Taking good care
Read MoreI’ve traded scrubs for relaxation as a retired nurse, soaking up the Southern charm in Georgia and living my ultimate life! With my furry friends by my side, I’m not just a tiny house dweller – I’m a tiny house enthusiast, blogging my heart out along the way!
The skin is the largest organ in the human body, so you need to look after it. Taking good care
Read MoreOnce upon a time, skincare advice was largely aimed at women. Still, many skincare products are marketed toward women and
Read MorePremature skin aging is a common concern among people, especially those who are exposed to the sun or have unhealthy
Read MoreOur skin is the largest organ in our body and it plays a vital role in protecting us from external
Read MoreAge is the primary contributor to wrinkles and fine lines because the skin loses its elasticity and collagen as you
Read MoreNo matter how good your genetics are, beautiful and soft skin isn’t a God-given thing and, just like the rest
Read MoreOur skin naturally produces sebum. Sebum is an oil that keeps our skins hydrated and protects the cells from infection.
Read MoreOur skin is our armor and it protects us from everything from the outer world. It keeps us safe from
Read MoreWithout mincing words, every woman desires to look forever young and beautiful. In short, beauty is a big deal to
Read MoreAll of us want perfect skin. Who does not want to wake up with fully moisturized and flawless skin? Perfect
Read More嬰兒的皮膚通常會隨著身體適應新環境而發生一些變化。嬰兒在子宮或胎兒皮脂中形成的蠟狀保護層會漸漸脫落,並在皮膚的某些區域中長出一些胎記,毫無疑問,照顧嬰兒的皮膚是保持寶寶身體免受環境因素影響的第一步,亦是極其重要的一步。 在照顧嬰兒的皮膚時,有些小步驟看似微小,但卻極之關鍵。有一點您必須要留意:嬰兒用品可能比其他護理產品更適合您的小孩。 在孩子的皮膚上使用嬰兒護膚品的主要原因: 1.採用溫和成分配製而成 大多數有機嬰兒產品通常採用天然有效的化合物配方,有助於確保寶寶的皮膚保持柔軟和光滑。雖然大多數嬰兒護膚品通常都是安全的,但在購買物品時最好細心閱讀標籤屬性,因為某些產品可能含有有害成分。您需要注意的一些成分包括礦物油,對羥基苯甲酸酯和滑石粉,它們會引起刺激甚至導致癌症。 2.得到專家的認可 按照兒科醫生提供的嬰兒產品建議,不僅確保嬰兒皮膚安全,而且對照顧某些特別的皮膚狀況也非常有效。例如,容易發癢的嬰兒可能需使用某些特定的乳霜和乳液,這些產品可能不易在普通銷售店鋪購買得到。為了確保寶寶得到最好的皮膚護理,請考慮安排與您的醫生預約,並要求提供推薦產品列表。 3.鼓勵增強親子關係 父母和孩子之間的袋鼠護理或皮膚接觸有助於增加兩者之間的聯繫。在這些時刻,母親可以在沐浴後將寶寶抱在胸前,以增加寶寶的安全感,或在更換過衣物程中按摩手臂和腿,並與寶寶交談。在這些時刻使用有效的嬰兒護膚品更有效幫助寶寶適應外界新環境,同時改善他們的身心發育。 嬰兒的皮膚在適應新環境時通常會經歷各種變化。某些條件如搖籃帽,皮膚脫落和胎記發育是預期的,並且通常是無害的。然而,大多數生活在某些地區的嬰兒可能更容易出現尿布疹,發紅,甚至濕疹等疾病。 閱讀標籤 為確保您的寶寶得到正確的皮膚護理,務必在購買護理產品之前仔細閱讀產品上的標籤。此外,您還可以在寶寶的皮膚上塗抹一些產品兒作測試,以檢查是否有紅腫。如果形成皮疹,請立即丟棄產品並用溫水清洗該區域。 如需更徹底的皮膚護理方案,請與您的兒科醫生預約以獲取專家建議。切記要時刻密切注意寶寶的皮膚狀況,以防止出現任何重大的不良情況。
Read MoreWe all want healthy, glowing, youthful and beautiful skin. It’s not too much to ask, is it? But in our
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